This application is currently in Beta Testing , if you have any concerns or issue please reach out.


Welcome to the FundedYouth Academy Facts and Questions. Use this page to answer any questions or concerns you might be confused on. 

Possible Issues

This LMS Application is currently in the Beta Testing phase. If you encounter any errors, we ask that you reach out to the FundedYouth team and be as detailed as possible. 

Mark as Complete [Button]

Click the Mark as Complete button in the course section to list a task as complete. This is a manual process. Only the Quizzes automatically check after completing. Assignments, Lessons, and Videos require you to check this button. 

100% Requirement

All of our courses require that you complete all tasks or 100% complete. All of our quizzes & exams can be taken an unlimited number of times. The highest grade is counted. 


Open registration is disabled on this application. You must request access to this site using the form on the homepage. Accounts will only be created for students that have completed onsite classes. 

Username and Password

Usernames and Passwords are set by FundedYouth. If you can’t remember your password, then we ask that you fill out the Password Reset Request Form. For security reasons we’ve locked down this feature on your dashboard. 

© 2025FundedYouth Academy. All Rights Reserved.

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Additional Help / New FAQ Request

Use this form if you couldn’t find the answer you were looking for under our FAQ section. Please provide your username, a detailed explanation of what you need assistance with, and an email address we can respond to you at. 

    FundedYouth Academy Logo Purple
    Reset Password Request

    Please provide your username and the email address that was used to sign the General Release Agreement. We will validate both and follow up with the contact info stored in our separate database.